Note: This is the first of a three-part series.
Dear Neil: My boyfriend accuses me of being a critical person. I admit I complain from time to time about things that bother or disturb me about him, but I don’t think that I am that critical of him overall. Is there a way to tell if I am crossing the line and being too critical?
Upset In Phoenix
Dear Upset: Take this quiz if you’d like to learn how critical you are:
- During an argument or disagreement, I tend to think it is very important to determine who is at fault. You: __yes __no Your partner: __yes ___no
- I see it as my job to present all of my complaints. You: ____yes ___no Your partner: __yes __no
- I try to make a general point instead of being specific about one situation or action. You: __yes __no Your partner: __yes __no
- I analyze my partner’s personality in addition to discussing specific actions that bother me. You: __yes __no Your partner: __yes __no
- I let things build up for a long time before I complain. You: __yes __no Your partner: __yes __no
- I don’t censor my complaints at all. I really let my partner have it full force. You: __yes __no Your partner: __yes __no
- When I complain, my emotions are very intense and powerful. You: __yes __no Your partner: __yes __no
- I don’t try to be very rational when I state what I think is wrong. You: __yes __no Your partner: __yes __no
- When I complain, I bring up my partner’s faults. You: __yes __no Your partner: __yes __no
- There’s no stopping me once I get started. You: __yes __no Your partner: __yes __no
- I regret my tactless choice of words when I complain. You: __yes __no Your partner: __yes __no
- Whenever I bring up a problem, I know I am basically right. You: __yes __no Your partner: __yes __no
- Whenever I bring up problem, it is my goal to get my partner to see how I’m right. You: __yes __no Your partner: __yes __no
- It’s my goal to get my partner to accept some blame for the problem. You: __yes __no Your partner: __yes __no
- When I complain, I tend to use phrases like “you always” or “you never.” You: __yes __no Your partner: __yes __no
Scoring: If you checked “yes” on more than five items, you are a candidate for being considered critical in your relationship.
Being critical is not evil. It can begin innocently enough, and it is often an expression of pent-up unresolved anger or frustration. Problems occur when criticisms become so pervasive—or one person is so sensitive to it—that it begins to erode the relationship.
I will discuss criticism—and how it effects an intimate relationship, and what you can do about it in next week’s column.
Source: Why Marriages Succeed Or Fail by John Gottman (Fireside)