What Happened to My Marriage?

Dear Neil:  Please help me understand what happened to my marriage.  In the beginning of our relationship, we were so close with each other:  we spent huge amount of time talking, going to movies and new restaurants, traveling, sharing hopes and dreams, romancing each other, continually making love.  We were always affectionate—touching each other, holding […]

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Quiz: Is There Love and Respect in Your Relationship?

Is there enough love and respect in your intimate relationship?  Do you and your partner show each other empathy, support, care, affection, friendship, sympathy and love?  How do you express such emotions, how is that expression received by your partner, and where could you improve in the ways that you express love and respect? Take […]

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Deepening Intimacy and Closeness

A Valentine’s Exercise Have you ever wondered how people deepen the intimacy and closeness in their relationships?  Try this Valentine’s exercise, which will allow you to “interview” your intimate partner—and hopefully assist you in  gaining  a greater depth of understanding and closeness in your relationship. If you’d like to find out more information about any […]

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Clearing The Air in Your Relationship

Dear Neil:  My relationship with the man I’ve lived with for seven years can get very volatile at times, and tension can build uncomfortably high between us.  There is a fair amount of distancing, withdrawal and irritability between us.  But both of us are conflict avoiders, and neither of us is good at bringing tensions […]

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Quiz: These Are My Needs

What are your needs in an intimate relationship?  This is an exercise in self-discovery, adapted from Philip McGraw’s The Relationship Rescue Workbook (Hyperion).  As you recognize and acknowledge your needs, you create a path toward getting those needs met. For every need that applies to you, put X on the line to the left of it.  […]

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Defining The Conflicts in Your Relationship Part 2

Note:  This is the second of a two-part series. What are the issues, conflicts or problems in your relationship?  Underline all that apply: Unpleasant fights have occurred between us recently. There are more fights; fights seems to come out of nowhere; anger and irritability have crept into our relationship; we get into conflicts where we […]

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What Are The Conflicts/Issues in Your Relationship? Part 1

Note:  This is the first of a two-part series. What are the issues, conflicts or problems in your relationship?  Take the following questionnaire to find out.  Underline all that applies: We are becoming emotionally distant. We have difficulty just simply talking to each other; we are staying emotionally in touch with each other less; I […]

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Quiz: Determine Your Level of Relationship Satisfaction

Take this quiz to determine how satisfied you are in your intimate relationship.  For each of the 16 relationship traits listed below, rate each trait from the following two scales. SATISFACTION SCALE:  How satisfied are you with each of these aspects of your relationship?  5: Enthusiastic—it couldn’t be any better  4:  Quite satisfied  3:  It’s […]

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How Does a Couple Deepen The Intimacy and Commitment Between Them?

Dear Neil:  I have lived with my boyfriend for 10 months.  A couple of weeks ago he went out with a long-time female friend of his, and he didn’t get home until 3 a.m. on a Tuesday night.   I questioned him about where he was, and he said “at a bar,” which I later found […]

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