Readers Respond to Recent Relationship Advice

Dear Neil: You recently reprinted a letter from a woman who was wondering why she and her husband were no longer having sex. Of all the reasons you offered about why couples quit having sex, you ignored the issue of being physically limited. My husband was diagnosed with diabetes. Despite our best efforts and modern […]

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Hoping Your Relationship Stays Together Is No Substitute for Fixing What’s Wrong

Dear Neil: Everything seems to point to the fact that my 30 year marriage is dead and I should leave my husband. But I keep thinking that something will happen and everything will change. About 10 years ago, he received a sizable inheritance, and from then on things started to change. He became secretive, controlling […]

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Do I stay with a wonderful man, even though he is unsure about marriage and a family?

Dear Neil: My partner (29) and I (28) have finally learned how to communicate and resolve our differences effectively. However, he has recently said that he isn’t sure if he ever wants to get married. He said that he’s concerned that if he doesn’t change his mind about marriage in the next few years, that […]

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