Two letters illustrate the dilemma: “I”m 43-years-old and married to the same good man for twenty three years,” writes a woman from Staten Island, New York. “My husband sees sex as a nightly habit necessary to a good night’s sleep. It is rare for him to get into bed and just want to go to […]
Learning to Forgive
“We have been married 38 years, have four children and five grandchildren,” writes a woman from Milwaukee. “Last December, I confirmed my suspicion (that my husband) had been seeing someone else. She’d just turned 40, which is three years older than our oldest daughter.” “The other woman sent me copies of photos, notes and cards […]
Emotionally Unavailable
Being Involved With an Unavailable Partner is a Dead End “I am writing to you about the man I have been dating for over seven years. We are not engaged and there is no commitment on his part. We see each other only when it appears to be convenient for him,” writes Shirley of Janesville, […]
When is it Appropriate During Sex? Dear Neil: “My husband has an addiction to porn. At 70, he even makes things to have sex with. I told him he was ruining my sex life, but he says he doesn’t care. I think he’s a sick person. He’s always on the make for some woman-every woman […]
Recovering From Infidelity
“I have been living apart from my husband of thirty years, after I discovered (that he had been having) an affair with another woman. Sadly, he continued to deceive me during this time,” writes Anna B. from Christchurch, New Zealand. “I am having great difficulty coping with the fact that I was deceived so badly, […]
Being Faithful is a Decision
“I have been having an affair for eight years. I am scared to death of the prospect of being caught, but that doesn’t stop me,” writes a reader from Denver. “Every few months, I resolve to stop this affair, until my life becomes consumed with my need for sex, affection and attention.” “I have pleaded […]
Repairing Deceptive and Disloyal Behavior
Dear Neil: I recently learned that my husband had an affair during the six years we were engaged and living together. This affair only ended when I discovered it. During this time (all) our friends, co-workers, bosses (we were employed at the same location), and his family knew about it and covered for him. She […]
Solving Premature Ejaculation
Premature ejaculation is like any other habit. It is hard to stop. Breaking the habit is going to require your ever present, conscious vigilance. Even if you have been sexually active a long time, you are going to have to gain a heightened appreciation for what the exact sensations are immediately before you go over […]
Why Would a Bimbo Try to Destroy my Family?
Dear Neil: (Recently) my husband confessed that he’d been having an affair the past nine months with a married woman. She has (also) confessed that she planned to get this affair going because she wanted a new husband. We have decided that after 38 years together—four grown, well-educated and decent children—six grandchildren and a […]
Controlling Behavior Hurts Intimacy
“I am living with a woman who is very controlling,” writes Craig G. from Miami. “When I don’t agree with her or do things the way she wants me to, she gets furious at me, threatens to have an affair, screams, pouts and withdraws sex. Why does she do this?” How do you attempt to […]