Dear Neil: My advice to all these people who are in a relationship with someone who repeatedly runs away from a loving relationship: Move on, it’s only going to continue. If you are over the age of 30, you don’t have time to be playing love games. When somebody really loves you, they don’t run […]
When Your Boyfriend is Scared of Love
Dear Neil: I have known this man since middle school, he was my best friend. But in the last year, we fell in love. Things were well, until one day he said he needed space. He said he has never loved someone like he loves me, and that it scares the hell out of him. […]
Creating a Wall to Protect Yourself Also Keeps You From Feeling Close
Dear Neil: My 2 previous marriages ended with me being deceived by both of my ex’s. This made me create a wall to protect myself. I am now engaged to someone who has lied to me several times, and he once called his ex’s name out while we were intimate, so my wall is up […]
Fiancé Criticizes Me, Can’t Handle It When I Criticize Him
Dear Neil: My fiancé will dish out a fair amount of criticism at me. But if I say anything that shows unhappiness about him, he falls apart, withholding affection and withdrawing for days. He tells me he absolutely can’t function if I am not happy with him, and he insists I need to be happy […]
Feeling Unworthy of Love. What Can I Do?
Dear Neil: I push everyone around me away, and my worst problem is that I’m sabotaging a relationship with a caring, loving and intelligent man who I don’t want to lose. I don’t have good friends other than him, so I turn to him for everything I need, and I have been very needy and […]
Reader Asks: What Do I Do About a Sexless Marriage?
Dear Neil: I was in a loveless marriage for years. My wife had sex with me less than once a year for 13 years, although we did make three children together. At one point, there was 5 years with no sexual intimacy at all. After years of me requesting that we get therapy, which she […]
Does He Want Me or Just My Body?
Dear Neil: I’m in a 9 year relationship with a man who has been emotionally unavailable. Our typical pattern consists of him coming over to my house, we have sex and then he leaves right after. I have called him periodically and he is always busy: in a meeting, going to the airport or doing […]
Married and Alone
Dear Neil: I work during the week, and my husband hasn’t worked in four years. He is enrolled in a two-year college, but it’s taking him four years. He physically attends classes once or twice a week, and takes online classes the rest of the time. But while I am working, he often goes out […]
Overcoming Cell-Phone and Social Media Obsession
Note: This is the second of a two-part series. Click here for part one Often couples want opposing things. They want a close passionate relationship with their spouse or intimate partner—and they want the instant stimulation and feelings of connection they get from social media. And all too frequently, those two desires are in opposition […]
Readers Talk About the Effect of Cell-Phone Addiction
Note: This is the first of a two-part series. Click here for part two I have written several columns about how the increased use of cell-phones and computers have effected our important relationships. One such column was about a girlfriend’s cell phone addiction, which has generated a surprising number of emails from around the world. […]