How to Overcome Fear of Commitment

Note: This is the first of a two-part series. Dear Neil:  Recently you wrote about the fear of commitment.  Could you also address how to overcome that fear?  I am in a nine-year relationship, and I can’t seem to take the plunge and marry.  Any suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated. Fearing Commitment in […]

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What is Sexual Harassment?

Dear Neil:  Could you help us settle an office argument about what constitutes sexual harassment?  We have a large difference of opinion amongst us as to where the line is drawn between flirting and actual harassment. Curious In New York City Dear Curious:  Sexual harassment is not really about sex.  It is about power gained […]

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Overcoming Defensiveness

Note: This is the third of a three-part series. Defensiveness is one of the more destructive ways of handling conflict and anger, and it can lead to endless spirals of negativity. The major problem with being defensive is that it obstructs communication between people.  Rather than understanding each other’s perspectives, you spend your discussions defending […]

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Defensive? Let Us Count The Ways

Note: This is the second of a three-part series. However it is expressed, defensiveness is fundamentally an attempt to protect yourself and ward off a perceived attack.  Some people just aren’t aware of how defensive they are in their relationships with others. Here are different ways people react defensively: Denying responsibility. No matter what your […]

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