How Do I Spot a Narcissist?

Dear Neil:  A while back you wrote about narcissism.  Your article described my ex-husband’s behavior extremely well.  It was the first time I have been able to understand why he was so easily able to let our thirteen year marriage (and the children) go. My question is…how to I spot a narcissist next time before […]

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Internet Pornography

Dear Neil:  Some time ago I read an article about Internet pornography and its effect on a relationship.  Was that written by you? Searching in Wellington, New Zealand Dear Searching:  I have referred to internet porn in my column, but your letter stimulated me to address this issue in more depth. X-rated porn sites, just […]

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Overcoming Fear of Commitment

Note: This is the second of a two-part series. Dear Neil:  Why do men with commitment problems always seem to find me, and why am I attracted to them? Troubled in Wellington, New Zealand Dear Troubled:  We choose unavailable partners—people who live geographically apart from us, people who use crisis as a substitute for intimacy, […]

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Am I Commitment Phobic?

Note: This is the first of a two-part series. Dear Neil:  My intimate relationships never seem to work out long term.  I fall in love, but can’t sustain the feelings over time, so I don’t stay in love—and  my relationships always disintegrate.  There are television sitcoms about people like me, but TV makes it appear […]

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Surviving Male Midlife Crisis

Note: This is the second of a two-part series. It’s not enough to know that male midlife crisis can lead to inappropriate hostility, criticism, passive-aggressive behavior, cynicism, affairs, an unhappy marriage, family desertion, impulsive job changes, monetary loss, poor investments, low self-esteem, drug abuse and alcoholism. You have to also know what to do about […]

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