Emotional Affairs

Dear Neil:  I have just discovered that my wife of two years has had what she is calling “an affair of the heart” with someone else.  She assures me that they haven’t sexually consummated the relationship, and says she doesn’t love him, but says they have grown very close and emotionally intimate.  She says that […]

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Solving Relationship Problems Requires Compassion

Note: This is the third of a three-part series. Want a technique that will replace your anger and resentment with something more compassionate and loving?  Steven Stosny in his groundbreaking book You Don’t Have To Take It Anymore (Free Press) explains how to rid yourself of anger and resentment: Access your core hurts.  Our core […]

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What Makes a Person Emotionally Unavailable?

Dear Neil:  What makes a person—namely a man—become emotionally unavailable?  Why do men seem to value being emotionally available far less than women?  What are some things a man could do to overcome being emotionally unavailable? Hurt in New York Dear Hurt:  I get so many questions from readers about this subject that repeating some […]

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