Note: This is the first of a two-part series. Click here for part two My wife and I have been married twenty five years, but every so often I talk about separating and/or divorcing because I am unhappy with our relationship and the way my wife acts. Does commitment waver for couples depending on the […]
Trust and Betrayal
Dear Neil: I have no real trust for anyone in my life and I never really have had trust for people. I grew up with no one to count on. My mother was verbally, mentally and physically abusive to me. I was always compared to other girls. I now work in a casino in Las […]
Quiz: What Feels Supportive? How Supportive Are You?
Dear Neil: I have asked my fiancé to be more supportive of me. I have recently lost my job, and I haven’t found another one as of yet. Because of that my credit card debt has risen dramatically, and we have put off our wedding/honeymoon plans indefinitely. She has recently asked me what she could […]
What Can I Do to Save My Marriage?
Dear Neil: My husband and I have been together for 19 years. The last ten have been horrible. I was sad, dysfunctional and felt lost, unloved and unworthy. Now my husband has had enough, has lost his passion for me, met someone else (three weeks ago) and is instigating separation proceedings. I have done some […]
Long Distance Relationships Require Extra Effort
Dear Neil: Could you talk about the struggles of being in a long-distance relationship? My boyfriend is in the Army and we’ve been braving the distance for over a year, but military relationships are difficult, and we have pitfalls. I have struggled with having such little control over our relationship due to the Army’s agenda […]
Are You Too Needy?
Dear Neil: What does it mean when a man calls me “needy?” I am in my 40’s and have been in several relationships through the years where the men in my life have accused me of being too needy. But I am confused about what “too needy” means. Am I not supposed to lean on […]
Quiz: Are You Wanting More Support From Your Partner?
Do you think you are a supportive spouse or intimate partner? Would your significant other agree with your answer? Or maybe you want more support from your partner? Of course, both answers could be true. But what exactly does it mean when you say that you want your partner do be more supportive? Supportive of […]
Defusing Anger
Dear Neil: I can feel my husband’s anger, although he doesn’t say anything to me about it. But he is cold and dismissing toward me, has ceased to be affectionate and spends very little time with me alone. I know something is disturbing him, but I am clueless as to what. We have been together […]
Should People Remain Married Solely for the Sake of the Kids?
Dear Neil: Your recent letter to “Tortured in Wyoming” has stuck in my mind in a disturbing way. My main concern is that all the questions you asked him to consider seemed based around the central premise of what will make him happy. For instance, you asked him if there was a good chance he […]
Is There a Way I Can Get My Boyfriend to Commit to Me?
Dear Neil: It seems the differences between men and women have been shattering my hopes and dreams as of late. My boyfriend (well, no longer) and I are both 33, we have been together for almost two years, having mounds of fun together. But all talks about the future have always stemmed from me, and […]