Want to fall in love? Here is a set of questions designed for you to take a promising or hopeful relationship to the next level. I should state that these questions require someone else’s active and willing participation, and it helps enormously if both of you are sexually and/or sensually attracted to each other. Also, […]
The Art of “Stepping Into the Puddle”
Let’s say your beloved dog dies, and you are heartsick. As you tell different people of your loss, notice your emotional reactions and your gut feelings to the following responses: “I’m sorry for your loss.” “You’ll get over it in time.” “Your dog is in a better place now.” “Are you going to get another […]
How to Deepen a Relatively New Relationship
Dear Neil: My boyfriend and I have been in a relationship for three and a half years (we are 22 and 21 respectively). We have had a great relationship, and now we feel like we’re ready to take another step. But I am a college student still living at home, and he has started his […]
Making Sense of Your Emotions When Your Team Loses
Why does it hurt that the Broncos were humiliated and embarrassed in the Super Bowl? I shut the TV off in the third quarter, when the score was 30-something to 0. I felt completely deflated—like a balloon that had lost all of its air. But I didn’t lose the Super Bowl, the Broncos did. So […]
Intimacy Skills: This is What A Relationship Requires of Us (Part 2)
In honor of Valentine’s week, here is a continuation of some of the basic intimacy skills a healthy relationship requires of us: Make your relationship a top priority. Don’t spend your “prime time” consistently preoccupied with other things, and don’t permit yourself to be too tired when you’re around your partner. Consistently show up both […]
Intimacy Skills: The Essential Skills Relationships Require
Here are the basic intimacy skills a healthy intimate relationship requires of us: That I communicate with you the very best I can. Good communication takes place when I put aside my own thoughts, feelings and needs for a while to concentrate my attention on you while you are speaking. When I listen, I give […]
Connecting in a Relationship–and Staying Connected
Everyone knows that it feels more intimate to be connected to the people we care about and love. But what does that mean, and how do you do it? How do you stay connected with your spouse or intimate partner—or for that matter with your children, family and friends? What do you do? How do […]
If you Look at What You Don’t Like, You’ll be Unhappy in a Relationship (So It’s Better to Look at What You Do Like)
Dear Neil: Over the past two years, my lady has increasingly gotten on my nerves, and it has made me question whether I want to continue in the relationship with her. In a nutshell, she keeps her apartment cluttered and in great disarray, she talks way too loud (people stare at us in a restaurant) […]
Learn the Difference: Sex is not Love
Dear Neil: This year I started college and met this wonderful boy, who I will call “Sam.” He has been going out with his girlfriend for a year, and he and I have been sleeping with each other for the last 5 months. A month into this secret relationship (nobody could know because he had […]
How to Romance a Woman
Here’s a snap quiz in honor of Valentine’s Day. When women use the term romance, what do they mean? What does romance mean to most women? And when men use the term romance, what does romance mean to them? Before you read what I’m about to say, answer the above questions first. One gender (women) […]